International Journal of Creative Research in Computer Technology and Design (IJCRCTD)

Peer Reviewed Journal                                                              Impact Factor: 9.0


Introduction: The International Journal of Creative Research in Computer Technology and Design (IJCRCTD) is a pioneering and visionary scholarly publication dedicated to exploring the limitless potential at the intersection of creativity, technology, and design. IJCRCTD serves as a dynamic platform for researchers, practitioners, artists, and innovators to showcase and disseminate their groundbreaking work, fostering collaboration and inspiration in the realms of computer technology and design.

Mission: IJCRCTD's mission is to serve as a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and excellence in computer technology and design. Our core objectives include:

  1. Creative Exploration: Encouraging the fusion of artistic expression and technological advancement to pioneer innovative solutions and novel concepts.

  2. Technology and Design Excellence: Promoting the development of cutting-edge technologies and design methodologies that enhance the human experience.

  3. Interdisciplinary Synergy: Facilitating collaborations that transcend disciplinary boundaries, inspiring fresh perspectives and transformative ideas.

  4. Global Knowledge Exchange: Disseminating pioneering research and inspiring creativity on a global scale, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community.

Key Focus Areas: IJCRCTD embraces a diverse spectrum of topics, all converging at the intersection of computer technology and design. Our primary focus areas encompass, but are not limited to:

  1. Creative Technology:

    • Innovative software and hardware development
    • User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design
    • Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) applications
  2. Design and Visualization:

    • Graphic design and visual communication
    • Architectural and interior design using computational tools
    • Design thinking and human-centered design approaches
  3. Multimedia and Entertainment:

    • Digital art and multimedia production
    • Animation, game design, and interactive storytelling
    • Innovative approaches to digital media and entertainment
  4. Computational Creativity:

    • Generative art and creative algorithms
    • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in creative applications
    • Creative coding and programming as a form of artistic expression

Publication Format: IJCRCTD offers a diverse range of scholarly contributions, including:

  • Research Papers: Original research articles presenting novel findings, methodologies, and insights.
  • Design Showcases: Features highlighting exceptional design projects and the technological innovations behind them.
  • Case Studies: In-depth examinations of real-world applications, emphasizing the creative aspects of technology and design.
  • Creative Explorations: Short papers or notes that showcase innovative ideas, prototypes, or artworks.
  • Reviews and Critiques: Comprehensive reviews and critical analyses of recent developments in creative technology and design.

Audience: The International Journal of Creative Research in Computer Technology and Design (IJCRCTD) is designed to cater to a diverse and global audience, including:

  • Researchers and Innovators: Eager to share their creative and technological endeavors, collaborate, and stay informed about the latest advancements.
  • Designers and Artists: Seeking inspiration, technical insights, and a platform to showcase their creative work.
  • Technologists and Engineers: Focusing on the convergence of technology and design to drive innovation.
  • Educators and Students: Benefiting from exposure to diverse research topics and methodologies to enhance their learning and creative endeavors.

 IJCRCTD is a dynamic and inclusive forum for creators, technologists, designers, and artists who are passionate about exploring the transformative potential of creativity in computer technology and design. Join us on this exhilarating journey of discovery, collaboration, and innovation as we harness the power of creativity to shape a more imaginative and technologically advanced future.

Abstracting and Indexing

  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (in the process)
  • Scopus
  • Indian Citation Index
  • ROAD: the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources
  • Research Gate
  • Google Scholar
  • Academia Database
  • DPI Digital Library

Note: If your article is selected, there is an open access fee of $1500 USD, which may be waived based on the paper's quality.