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Krishnamurthy Oku
Rama krishna Vaddy
Abhinay Yada
Ravi Kumar Batchu


This study delves into the transformative concept of "Data Engineering Excellence" for modern organizations, emphasizing its role as a catalyst for optimizing advanced data analytics initiatives. Through a mixed-methods approach incorporating literature review and real-world case studies, the research highlights the strategic integration of robust data engineering practices. Key components explored include cutting-edge technologies, best practices, and robust data governance frameworks. Findings reveal tangible benefits such as enhanced data quality, reduced latency, and improved scalability, impacting advanced analytics efficacy. The study also addresses economic implications, showcasing cost savings and increased operational efficiency. Ethical considerations in data handling and privacy are emphasized. Overall, this research contributes significantly to the discourse on data engineering and analytics, emphasizing the strategic importance of Data Engineering Excellence in modern organizational success.

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DATA ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE: A CATALYST FOR ADVANCED DATA ANALYTICS IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS (K. Oku, R. krishna Vaddy, A. Yada, & R. K. Batchu , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Creative Research In Computer Technology and Design, 6(6), 1-10.

How to Cite

DATA ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE: A CATALYST FOR ADVANCED DATA ANALYTICS IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS (K. Oku, R. krishna Vaddy, A. Yada, & R. K. Batchu , Trans.). (2024). International Journal of Creative Research In Computer Technology and Design, 6(6), 1-10.


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